Thursday, April 27, 2017

              A few weeks ago I was shocked to find out that there had been a huge lost of life. No it wasn't over here on American soil, though it happens here too, it was particularly horrific once I heard the details. Men, women, and children had been poisoned by some sort of gas or chemical warfare. There was live footage of people struggling to breathe and then they died right on camera. First I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I wondered who would do such a cowardly horrible thing to these innocent human. I was baffled as these images went across my screen. I went to bed wondering how humanity had gotten to this point. The next morning I remember my day starting off as usual but later that day I found out that an order had  been issued and the United States bomb the place that had already been attacked. I couldn't understand why that happened, did we bomb them to teach them not to bomb themselves. This crazy world.
        So this just happened..........
Last night on 4/26/17 I was on Facebook and I ran across a breaking news story, which was about a missing 16 month old baby girl right here in Joliet. I remember being so distraught and thinking how her parents must be so scared right now. As I hugged my Kings extra tight I remember posting on my page and I said "come on family let's help bring this baby home". Only to wake up this morning to fine out that she was found dead inside of her house. Needless to say I was livid!!! I remember thinking why hadn't the police checked the house first. I remember fighting back tears, I just can't understand why some people feel that human life has no value at all. I am so sorry that this little angel name Semaj life was snuffed out at such a tender age. If there was any foul play involved may whoever took this babies life be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Friday, March 24, 2017

What do you think of the police?(Via VICE News)

Do you trust the police?

                                                                     image source
     After watching this short video and listening to the response that people,I realized that when you are quiet and listen, you can hear who people are. Many times when we as humans respond it is almost always based on our very limited, very bias perception of our version of the truth, that is more than likely based on our personal experiences. This video was not much different the reaction to the question that was originally presented went from one end of the spectrum to the next, and it was all based on these individuals perception of the police. With all of that being said is it to far fetched to believe that not only are people more likely to respond verbally in this way*(based on their perception) but their actions will most likely follow suit. The statement was made "If I were a police I would just carry a taser, if all of the criminals were disarmed". Okay that sounds like a great idea, but what happens when it's not your actions but your skin color that criminalize you, well murder of the innocent like Tamir, Eric, Philando and Alton happens. later it was said that "the police protect us (some would say who is us?), and we should protect them. It is in eye opening times like this that really reveals the two different worlds that seem to exists simultaneously which does't allow much to change.     

Friday, March 3, 2017

Current events that will affect me as LE(Law Enforcement)

           The Current even that I am choosing to write about right before I go on Spring Break is Trump's Deportation Raids. Being part of the law Enforcement community during this very turbulent and troubling time in the U.S. makes our job extremely hard. When taking the oath as an officer we swear to up hold the law and do our civic duties, but what happens when the laws begin to criminalize those who never committed a crime, but you are forced, because of your job, to actively hunt down arrest, detain and then deport these individuals?  These raids have been a source of heightened stress on not only LE but also on the citizens here in the U.S. As the stories continue to unfold, you have families being torn apart, uprooted and cast to the side without a second thought. This affects us that are in LE because we know that what is happening is not only immoral but it is also just wrong. you read of stories about a innocent father going about his day and while he is dropping his daughter off at school, agents swoop in arrest and deport him. They are kicking down doors and arresting and deporting, they are going on jobs and arresting these innocent individuals, it's mind boggling to me how this is even legal. It's even more disturbing when I think about working in this capacity realizing that there will be times that I will have to do things that are against my moral code, against innocent human beings, and against the rights of the innocent given by the U.S. Constitution, all in the name of carrying out the duties of a officer of the law. It's actually quite disturbing.  But hey these are just my little thoughts on the subject. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Well, I would first like to say congrats on this new venture, and I believe that The First Year Writing Program is going to be a huge success. I fell that the idea of being able to keep such a difficult subject as light as possible is the right angle. In class I expressed that I had an idea and I have attached the following link which will provide in detail what I would fail to be able to put into words. If nothing else I hope that you can sit back and enjoy this discussion, it is my hope that you may be able to get some ideas from this as well. 
I think that an environment like this will be conducive to good, open and honest dialogue. I can't wait to get your feedback!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

When murder of the innocent becomes the norm

image source
            As I sit here in front of this screen, it's extremely hard to express what I am feeling at this very moment. I really don't think there are words that can accurately describe not only what I am feeling right now, but how I feel every single minute of every single day of my life. The scene that stood out to me the most is documented at the beginning of this reflection. What do you see going on in this scene? I will try my best to put into words what I felt as I watched this documentary, the word that comes to mind is "RAGE"!!! Some will never know what it is like to live in a constant state of rage and that's fine I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. It's been said that the relations between the police and MY community is turbulent given the recent evens that have been in the media. It blows my mind every time I hear that statement because the truth of the matter is the relations between the police and MY community has NEVER been good. The fact that the police were born out of the "Slave Patrols" has never been lost on me, in fact it explains a whole lot. (to see more on "Slave Patrols" I have included a link on the topic ⇩ at the bottom of the page) I DON'T know what "officer friendly" looks like, I DO know what it's like to see them come into your neighborhood, your home and car, constantly reminding you and the community around you that "you have no rights and what are you going to do about it. I DO know the terror and helplessness that is felt after being violated, after watching those you know and love come up missing, some were found dead while others had been imprisoned with no charges. I know what it's like to file complaints and be COMPLETELY ignored and told that there was no wrong doing, stop starting trouble and it's just our perception. I know what it's like to speak out anyway and those that are on the outside looking in seem not to see it, don't care or feel that it's not their problem so they say nothing. I know what it is like to be told that you are lying on the police and the police are good guys. So NO it's not because of recent events that the relations between MY community and the police is what it is. Things are the way they are because killing us, stopping and frisking us,  beating us, locking us up on trumped up charges or no charges at all etc. is not new, it is the recording of these murders and injustices that is new. 
     The horrific reality is that even with these atrocities being filmed and caught on cameras, proving what we have been saying all along was true and not just our perception, there still remains little to NO ACCOUNTABILITY, it's truly a slap in the face. So when I use the word RAGE I truly mean just that. Not everyone knows what it's like for your skin to be your sin. Not everybody knows what it is like to know that many feel that your life is worth less than a dog. Not everyone feels fear when ever the police is in the vicinity, not because you are guilty but because if you come into contact with them you may not survive the encounter simply because of the color of your skin. Not everyone can understand or even fathom the fear a mother from my community feels when her son leaves the house, be it driving, riding a bike, riding with friends or even walking. I know what it is like to hug my sons just a little tighter and little longer because the truth of the matter is that even with all of the proper instructions given and practiced, even with the proper ID, insurance, registration, if they should have an encounter with the police  they may just become the next hash tag.           To live in a world where your skin is your sin is not only difficult, but it is extremely dangerous and at time down right deadly. The rage comes when you become a victim of police violence and your family, friends and love ones are left with the aftermath of picking up the pieces. The rage comes that as we cry We march, we speak out, we protest,we sue, and we shed so many tears it's a wonder that we have any left and in the end nothing changes. The rage grows even more when you and other protesters that look like you are called thugs, trouble makers and selfish. As the rage continues to grow we continue to cry out for justice, and as we shout that " OUR LIVES MATTER" we are slapped in the face with angry voices screaming "ALL LIVES MATTER" or "POLICE LIVES MATTER"(I wonder if indeed all lives truly did matter  why aren't they marching and crying out for justice with us. I wonder why they can't see the injustice as innocent bodies lay in the streets like a discarded rag doll. Through tear stained eyes I watch these angry individuals and I wonder where were they when the execution of Sean Bell, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Korryn Gaines and the list goes on, was being aired around the clock on every media outlet around the world. Rage at this point is an understatement, we have been suffering all types of gross injustices and the innocent are still being slaughtered, the only difference between then and now is that it's recorded and splattered everywhere, from social media to main stream media, as the next hash tag until the next murder.
     So you asked what emotions were evoked while watching this particular documentary, well being as though what was on this documentary is a intricate part of my life,  it was no different than what I see daily live and in living color, it was just happening somewhere else. They say that all police aren't bad and my question is always, "if what you say is true, where are the good police and why aren't they arresting the bad police" and for the most part I'm often met with over whelming silence while the slaughter or our men, women and children continue and innocent blood and tears consistently and repeatedly run red in the street. 
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the film, it is justice or the lack there of that fuels this rage and constant fight for justice! Who do you call when police murder? Will there ever be justice or will it always be just us? While some will write this blog off as the rant of an angry and bitter black woman, and my response to that is, it's not that i'm not bitter but I am angry and feed up with injustice, why aren't you?