Friday, March 24, 2017

What do you think of the police?(Via VICE News)

Do you trust the police?

                                                                     image source
     After watching this short video and listening to the response that people,I realized that when you are quiet and listen, you can hear who people are. Many times when we as humans respond it is almost always based on our very limited, very bias perception of our version of the truth, that is more than likely based on our personal experiences. This video was not much different the reaction to the question that was originally presented went from one end of the spectrum to the next, and it was all based on these individuals perception of the police. With all of that being said is it to far fetched to believe that not only are people more likely to respond verbally in this way*(based on their perception) but their actions will most likely follow suit. The statement was made "If I were a police I would just carry a taser, if all of the criminals were disarmed". Okay that sounds like a great idea, but what happens when it's not your actions but your skin color that criminalize you, well murder of the innocent like Tamir, Eric, Philando and Alton happens. later it was said that "the police protect us (some would say who is us?), and we should protect them. It is in eye opening times like this that really reveals the two different worlds that seem to exists simultaneously which does't allow much to change.     

Friday, March 3, 2017

Current events that will affect me as LE(Law Enforcement)

           The Current even that I am choosing to write about right before I go on Spring Break is Trump's Deportation Raids. Being part of the law Enforcement community during this very turbulent and troubling time in the U.S. makes our job extremely hard. When taking the oath as an officer we swear to up hold the law and do our civic duties, but what happens when the laws begin to criminalize those who never committed a crime, but you are forced, because of your job, to actively hunt down arrest, detain and then deport these individuals?  These raids have been a source of heightened stress on not only LE but also on the citizens here in the U.S. As the stories continue to unfold, you have families being torn apart, uprooted and cast to the side without a second thought. This affects us that are in LE because we know that what is happening is not only immoral but it is also just wrong. you read of stories about a innocent father going about his day and while he is dropping his daughter off at school, agents swoop in arrest and deport him. They are kicking down doors and arresting and deporting, they are going on jobs and arresting these innocent individuals, it's mind boggling to me how this is even legal. It's even more disturbing when I think about working in this capacity realizing that there will be times that I will have to do things that are against my moral code, against innocent human beings, and against the rights of the innocent given by the U.S. Constitution, all in the name of carrying out the duties of a officer of the law. It's actually quite disturbing.  But hey these are just my little thoughts on the subject.